Saturday, May 10, 2008


Noah had an intake interview with the special needs preschool in our township. We met with a speech therapist, a learning specialist and a social worker. While I spoke with the social worker, Noah was being tested in the areas of receptive and expressive speech and gross and fine motor skills. The township has four special education preschool classrooms: two for kids with autism, one self contained classroom for kids with various needs, and an integrated classroom where half the kids are typical in development, and the other half have mild delays. I wasn't sure where I wanted Noah to end up, it would be either the self-contained classroom where he would receive more individual speech therapy, or the integrated room which is a lot like a typical preschool classroom.

It was decided that the integrated classroom would be the best for Noah. His receptive language skills (words he understands,) are on target for his age, and he will benefit from having lots of positive speech role models. He will also have speech therapy two times a week, as well as a teacher who is certified in speech.

I am so thankful Noah has been accepted into this program. I know he will love preschool, and the extra speech he will receive will help him as he continues to improve his expressive speech.

1 comment:

Vanessa Bartels said...

I am so glad this went well!

Love you, Noah!