Tuesday, May 6, 2008

My Seattle Trip

I just returned home after a long weekend visiting Emily and Abigail in Washington. The occasion was Brooke's baptism, and as godmother I was thrilled to be able to be there.

I arrived Saturday morning and Mum, Abigail and Emily picked me up. We went straight from the airport to Seattle where we went to Pike Place Market in downtown Seattle. We had lunch at a pub, and then set off wandering through the market, admiring the beautiful flowers, colorful vegetables, and handiwork from various artists.

Sunday was a beautiful sunny day. Brooke looked so sweet in her baptismal gown and little cap. The service was very meaningful and we are all so thankful for little Brooke Emily and her family.

Here I am with my beautiful goddaughter and big-sister Madison, aren't they sweet?

More to come...


Jessica Kok said...

Yippeeee! Jennifer has a blog!!
Did you make your dress?

Sarah said...

I'm so glad you were able to be there! I'm excited to check out your blog too!

Emily said...

Thanks again for coming it was so great! And your blog looks great, I just love being able to read and look at things of you- its makes me feel so close to you! luv ya!